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 Post subject: Major Basic Opimizations
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:49 pm 
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I know we all wants our projects optmized. I also know there are many different tutorials for this, but this one will be the biggest. It might take some time to go through it by I think it's worth it.

I do not take credit from anything, since it's mostly collected from the web.

1. Optimize for memory
2. Optimize for speed
3. Save memory

1. Optimize for memory
Get rid of dead code
Dead code means unnecessary, inoperative code that can be removed.
Dead code includes functions and sub-programs that are never called, properties that are never read or written, constants and enums that are never referenced. Dead variables are ones that are never read - even if they've been given a value. User-defined types can also be dead, and there may be a lot of extra API declarations. Even whole files can sometimes be completely unnecessary.

Dead code leads to excessive memory use, slower execucation, larger .exe files, higher maintenance effort and errors. That's why it's important to clean your projects by removal of dead code.

Avoid fixed-length Strings
Fixed-length strings generally occupy more memory than variable-length ones. The problem is worse if you have to reserve lots of space for long strings in your fixed-length string variables.
If you're planning to migrate to VB.NET, then you have one more reason why not to use fixed-length strings. VB.NET doesn't support them natively. You get better performance with variable-length strings.

Avoid static variables
Static variables are those that reside in the memory for the whole execution time. The opposite of static variables are dynamic variables. Dynamic variables are procedure-level variables that are created when the procedure is entered, and destroyed when the procedure ends. How do I know which variables are static or dynamic?
Static Variables
1. Variables declared in the (declarations) section.
2. Local variables declared with the Static keyword.
Static Arrays
1. Arrays declared with subscripts in the (declarations) section. Example:
Dim MyArray(1 To 45)
2. Local arrays declared with the Static keyword.
Dynamic Variables
Local variables.
Dynamic Arrays
1. Arrays declared without subscripts in the (declarations) section. Example:
Dim MyArray()
2. Local arrays declared with the Dim or ReDim keywords.

Local are those variables and arrays that are declared inside a procedure.
So why should you avoid static local variables? Static variables are slower and consume memory. It is better to use normal, dynamic local variables.

If you really need a static local variable, use a private module-level variable instead. There is a drawback with this, though. You should keep other procedures from using the same variable to avoid unwanted side-effects.

Reclaim memory after use
If you are using static variables, it's important to reclaim the memory they occupied when you don't need the variables any more. With dynamic variables memory isn't so much of a problem, because they are destroyed when the procedure ends. This is how you can reclaim thhe memory:
Type of variable...........|.......Code to reclaim occupied space
Variable-length String...|.......MyString = vbNullString
Variant.......................|........MyVariant = Empty
Form..........................|........Unload MyForm
Object........................|........Set MyObjectVariable = Nothing

Reclaim memory from arrays
Arrays are often memory-hungry. This applies especially to static arrays, whose size is fixed for the lifetime of the program. Dynamic arrays are better for memory optimizations, because they can be resized. However, some memory optimization can be applied to both array types.
One way to reclaim space occupied by an array is to clear all its elements one by one as shown above. Another way is to use Erase or ReDim.
  • Erase frees the memory used by dynamic arrays. With static arrays, however, the effect is somewhat limited. Doing Erase for a static array is the same as clearing all its elements separately.
  • ReDim can be used only for dynamic arrays. You can ReDim a dynamic array to a smaller size. If you just want to reduce the array and still preserve some data in it, you can use ReDim Preserve, like this: ReDim Preserve MyArray(SmallerSize)
Type your variables
VB's default data type is Variant. All variables that don't have any other type are implicit Variants.
Avoid variants when possible. They are slow, and they consume memory. If you use variant instead of, say, integer you waste 14 bytes of memory. This can be significant in a large project. Integers are much faster than variants. This is true particularly in For..Next loops.

Use Option Explicit to force declaration of your variables. This helps you to get rid of unnecessary variants.

Aivosto Project Analyzer can help you to ensure properly typed variables. It can list the implicit Variants and missing Option Explicit statements for you. Typing your variables is a very good habit and a sign of professional development.

Memory optimizations with graphics
Graphics may use a lot of memory and also slow your program down. Here are some easy tips to avoid that.
1. Reclaim graphics memory with LoadPicture() and Cls.
You can also set the Picture property to Nothing (VB 4.0 and later).
2. Use Image controls instead of PictureBoxes.
3. Use RLE, GIF, JPG, and WMF picture formats instead of BMPs. If possible, try to reduce the number of colors in your pictures.
4. Load a picture only once. If you need to display one picture in several places, you can just assign it from one control to another with this code:
MyGraph.Picture = OldGraph.Picture
Doing this will save the picture only once in your executable file, but you may use it on many controls.
5. Set AutoRedraw = False. If it's True, VB will create an AutoRedraw image that consumes memory.

2. Optimize for speed
The empty string
Is the "" expression often found in your code? Beware! So many CPU cycles are wasted for such a string! Testing and assigning empty strings is an easy place for optimization.

Checking for empty string
It's often necessary to test for an empty string. The usual ways are these:

If Text$ = "" Then
If Text$ <> "" Then
However, VB executes the following equivalent statements much faster.
If LenB(Text$) = 0 Then
If LenB(Text$) <> 0 Then

The replacement is essentially risk-free. Your code executes the same as before, only faster.

VB's implementation of LenB is fast. LenB is the byte equivalent of Len. Len is actually implemented as LenB\2. That makes LenB is faster than Len, so you should use it where possible. VB3 and VB.NET don't have the LenB alternative, in these languages you should use Len.

Note that we use the <> operator, not >. <> simply tests for inequality, while > tests more. As Len/LenB never return a negative number, we can safely use this test.

Assigning an empty string to a variable
This is the usual way to clear a string variable.

Text$ = ""What a waste! First of all, the string "" takes 6 bytes of RAM each time you use it. Consider the alternative:
Text$ = vbNullString

No variants
It's a simple thing but often overlooked. All variables, parameters and functions should have a defined data type. If the data is a string, then the data type should be defined as string. If you don't give a data type, you're using a variant. The variant data type has its uses but not in string processing. A variant means performance loss in most cases.

So add those Option Explicit statements now and Dim all variables with a decent data type. Review your functions and ensure that they define a return data type.

Dollars that make your program run faster
The following functions unoptimal if you're using them on strings.
Left(), Mid(), Right(), Chr(), ChrW()
UCase(), LCase(), LTrim(), RTrim(), Trim(),
Space(), String(), Format(), Hex(), Oct(),

Str(), ErrorThese are the dreaded variant functions. They take a variant, they return a variant. These functions are OK to use if you're processing variants. This is the case in database programming, where your input may contain Null values.

So what's all that variant stuff in string processing? It's fat. If you're dealing with strings, forget about the variants. Use the string versions instead:
Left$(), Mid$(), Right$(), Chr$(), ChrW$()
UCase$(), LCase$(), LTrim$(), RTrim$(), Trim$(),
Space$(), String$(),  Format$(), Hex$(), Oct$(),
Str$(), Error$

Use Private
Whenever possible, use the keyword Private. This will make your procedures and variables accessible inside the same module only. The advantage is increased modularity in your code.
Private MyVariable As Integer
Private Sub MyProcedure()

Optimize display speed
Often it's important how fast your application appears to run, even if the the actual speed isn't that high. Some ways to speed up display speed:
1. Set ClipControls property to False.
2. Use Image instead of PictureBox, and Label instead of TextBox, if possible.
3. Hide controls when setting properties. This prohibits multiple repaints.
4. Keep a form hidded but loaded if you need to display it fast. The drawback of this method is that it consumes some memory.
5. Use background processing for longer runs. You can achieve background processing with appropriately placed DoEvents. A good place to put DoEvents is inside time-consuming loops. This needs some consideration, because the user might click some buttons, for example, and your program must know what the user is allowed to do when the background process is running. Set flags like Processing=True and check them in appropriate places.
6. Use progress indicators.
7. Pre-load data you will need later. For example, you can load the contents of a database table into an array for faster access.
8. Use Show in Form_Load event.
9. Simplify your startup form, or use a splash screen.

3. Save memory
Clear old memory before requesting more
Your application might temporarily require 2x the memory it actually uses. Consider the following code snippet:

Pic = LoadPicture("abc.bmp") ' Load a picture from a file
Form1.Picture = Pic ' Display the new pictureWhat's wrong here? You may be holding two pictures in the memory at the same time! You are possibly displaying an old picture on Form1 while loading the new one. If the pictures are large, this can slow down your app quite a bit as it suddenly needs to allocate lots of new RAM. If you're running low on RAM, the system may need to access the swap file, which is slow.

The solution is to unload the old picture first. This way you don't need the RAM for that picture any more and the system will probably allocate the freed memory for the new picture. This might cause a flashing effect in the user interface, though, before you get the new picture displayed.

Clear your globals
Global variables are nasty as it's so easy to forget to clear them. Once your software keeps running never clearing its globals, you end up carrying old data for no use.

For Speed
  • Use Option Explicit
  • Use Parse$() Instead of Parse()
  • Don't Use late binding
  • Try to minimize type casting ex integer<>decimal<>long<>double
  • String concatenation is a well known preformance leak in VB6 there're alternatives for normal concatenation
  • Use For each instead of For i=0... in many cases(if not all) it works faster
  • Set ClipControls to false if you're using graphics methods like Print and PSet
  • Use & to concat strings instead of +
  • DoEvents take considerable time minimize it's usage like if you're using it inside a loop over 10000 item call it every 10 items instead on every on
  • Avoid nested loops if possible
  • User constants when possible Like vbCrLF or vbNullString..
  • To Check for empty string use (If LenB(MyString)=0) Then instead of (If MyString="" Then)
  • Split If statments that contains And operator into multipule nested If statments because VB evaluates all arguments even if the first one is False ( To solve this they invented AndAlos in .NET )
For memory
  • If you are using With block don't use Exit Sub,Exit For or Goto (outside with block) you may use If statments that let the code execute the "End With" block
  • Free allocated memory after usage like ofter using an object write Set obj=Nothing, or unload form1
  • Use Erase or ReDim to smaller size for arrays
  • Clear memory allocated by graphics controls like PictureBox

Here are some more deeper information concerning a few of the above examples:

  • Late binding is when you create the objects using CreateObject.
    Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    Using early binding reveals the entire class structure to VB, including correct datatypes. No casting has to be done. Early binding requires a reference to the ActiveX object you are working with. In this example, you'd have to reference the Microsoft Outlook Object Library.
    Set objOL = New Outlook.Application
  • Type casting is converting from one datatype to another. To minimize casting, use the correct variable types for the situation. That will remove the need for VB to do the extra casting to store into another variable.
  • String concatenation is joining two strings together:
    strValue = "Some string"
    strValue = strValue & " another string"

    If you are dealing with small strings, this is typically ok. However, if you are dealing with larger ones, you'll want to use another method for concatentation.
  • A typical For loop looks like this:
    For intLoop = 0 to 10
        'Do something

    However, you can use a For Each in many situations, especially if the object your looping through returns objects.
    Dim objItem As ListItem
    For Each objItem In ListView.ListItems
        Debug.Print objItem.Text
  • Setting an object to nothing releases the memory the object uses. For forms, Unloading them will release the memory they use. Setting Visible = False does not help because that just hides the form. It's still in memory.

Hope you enjoyed the reading, I will continue updating it.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:54 am 
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A lot of good information here. I'm going to copy it to the Knowledge Base.

However, I disagree with this:
Avoid fixed-length Strings
Fixed-length strings generally occupy more memory than variable-length ones. The problem is worse if you have to reserve lots of space for long strings in your fixed-length string variables.
If you're planning to migrate to VB.NET, then you have one more reason why not to use fixed-length strings. VB.NET doesn't support them natively. You get better performance with variable-length strings.

First I must stress that a "String" as we know it, is simply a pointer to a byte array.

As I understand it, Fixed Length strings are pointers to byte arrays of fixed length n, where n is the "* n" part in the declaration.
So for
Dim FixedString as String * 4
Fixed String = "four"

LenB(FixedString) would be 4, four bytes of memory.

However, the equivelant code
Dim DynamicString as String
DynamicString = "four"

setting the dynamic string byte array, first you need to resize the byte array to the correct size.

Redim Array(3)
then put the characters in, making it slower.

Next, Dynamic Strings in Visual Basic are stored in memory as Unicode, which means a string "Four" will be stored using 8 bytes of memory: Like this: "0F0O0U0R" So you're already using double the ammount of memory than a fixed length string uses, although LenB still returns the same length (it does right? Test it :P)

On top of that, VB stores a 20 byte header for each string. So the length of string "Four" becomes 28 bytes. Much much more than the 4 bytes it takes to store as a fixed-length string.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:02 am 
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Public Sub Test()
  Dim teststr As String * 256
  Dim teststr2 As String
  teststr2 = String(256, " ")
  Debug.Print LenB(teststr)
  Debug.Print LenB(teststr2)
End Sub

This results in the following being printed to the debug window:

So.. LenB returns the memory in bytes (not including the overhead) of the string.. Fixed-Length strings only use up the amount of bytes you fix them at.. (In this case, 512).. Variable length strings use 10 bytes + the number of bytes for the string.. (522, for ours..) Though.. MSDN says 'length of string', yet it is actually length of string * 2.. so it is possible that a variable length string *does* have a header of 20 bytes, like Dave said.. Though I wouldn't know how to confirm it.

God.. I don't have the time to go through and point out all the flaws in this.. My suggestion.. Don't take any of this on faith. Test it for yourself.. For instance.. Len is not LenB / 2.. Try
Dim Blah As Long

Debug.Print Len(Blah)
Debug.Print LenB(Blah)

Also.. I could be wrong, but I believe that images are all loaded into memory as bitmaps.. The compression (JPG, GIF, PNG) is just for smaller storage and faster loading time. You can actually test this by opening up the same size images stored in 2 different formats with paint. (I tried it with a completely white background in both BMP and PNG formats..)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:19 pm 
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Does CodeFixer fix a lot of the mentioned problems? I've noticed it comments out all unused sub routines, variables, and adds the $ sign to those strings, as well as replace "" with vbNullString.

But how helpful is it over-all?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:16 pm 
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Lets put it this way, you'll probably never notice the speed difference. But for an engine, you want to give as powerful as a base as possible, so every little bit counts.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:30 am 
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yep, all optimizations eventually add up to a noticable change, every little counts, as they say.

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